
Our staff of skilled tradespeople and professionals help us to produce precision-crafted metal parts and specialty equipment for major OEMs across North America. Each of us are dedicated to providing the highest level of service, from initial consultation through to design, manufacturing, and delivery. Many of our staff have had a long tenure with Muma Manufacturing, others are fresh from their academic programs.


“Trust us to create a working solution that contributes to the realization of your project.”

Mike’s signature passion for engineering, skill for critical thinking, and his acute design sense, all form the foundation and principles guiding the direction of Muma Manufacturing.

Mike’s philosophies on innovation, responsiveness and accountability drive the success of the design and production teams. “We take a complex set of circumstances, distill them down to create simplicity, and then apply thoughtful innovation to the task at hand, to create a unique solution that fits into the customers’ bigger picture. When we can efficiently create a product that adheres to fit, form and function, we all win”.


“Seamless Coordination. Leave the details to us.”

With razor-sharp attention to details, Barb’s focus is on the continuous improvement of the management of Muma Manufacturing. Drawing on her expertise in organizational structure and management, she combines both the art and science of creating, monitoring, and fine tuning the company’s operations.

“It’s important to create the systems and processes to seamlessly co-ordinate design, quoting, production, and customer service. But beyond that, a great deal of our success has come from focusing on creating the right match on both sides of the desk. Achieving synergy is key; whether it’s connecting with a new customer, vetting the most reputable suppliers, or recruiting a new employee, we work hard to create the right collaborative fit all around. We focus on building the complete team internally that can deliver precision crafted products on time”.

Meet a few members of our staff here:


With a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo, and as a member of the Professional Engineers of Ontario (P.Eng.), Paul brings a passion and dedication to manufacturing excellency. Paul’s achievements as a Certified Quality Engineer (CQE), Certified Quality Manager (CQM/OE) and Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) bring resolve to process refinement and continuously improving the quality management system at Muma. His traditional approach to customer interactions encourages collaborative dialogue to ensure the final product adheres to fit, form and function.


With a degree in mechanical engineering from China and a certificate in Mechanical Techniques (CNC), Steve first came to Muma on a co-op work term. Now a full-time member of the team, he’s a highly skilled technician who is comfortable on and off the shop floor. Steve’s philosophy: work hard every day to make it right every time.

Perry KerkvlietCNC MACHINING

A 30-year veteran of manufacturing, Perry ran his own tool & die machining business for many years before joining Muma. He brings a wealth of knowledge and an infectious passion for his craft to the team, often initiating unique, well thought-out solutions for our customers. His calm, thoughtful working style has been a welcome addition to the Muma shop floor.